How Much Play Time Do Children Need?

How Much Play Time Do Children Need?

Today’s generation of children prefers staying indoors watching TV and playing video games. Lack of physical activity is the leading cause of obesity in children. The recommended play time for children is at least 60 minutes. They need to engage in such activities like playing basketball, walking and running to reduce the amount of time spent watching TV. Children need to engage in age-appropriate physical activities each day. Some examples of such activities include:

Muscle Strengthening Activities

Activities that strengthen children’s muscles include push-ups, sit-ups and gymnastics. These physical activities are usually accorded depending on the child’s age. If your child is doing physical education in school, chances are they are already doing these activities. Children and young people need to do physical activities for 60 minutes at least 3 days in a week to strengthen their muscles. Being active is important for the children’s health stronger muscles and bones and improves their self-esteem.

Aerobic Exercises

Aerobics are arguably the most important part of children’s exercises and should be a major part of their play time. Aerobic exercises are exercises that get a child’s heart beating faster and blood pumping quickly as a result. The lungs take in more oxygen and they breathe faster too. Aerobics help children’s hearts, lungs and blood vessels stay strong while keeping their weight stable and healthy. Children who exercise have:

  • Lower body fat levels
  • Strong bones and better muscle control
  • Better emotional control and are generally happier
  • Better chances of growing up into healthy adults

Exercises such as cycling or playing in an indoor gym every day are great ways to get some aerobic exercise. One hour of play time at least 3 days in a week is enough for the kids to get a good workout.

Bone Strengthening Activities

Children should engage in bone-strengthening activities. Activities such as skipping and running should be included in their play time at least 3 days every week and are age appropriate. Bone strengthening activities tend to produce tension in the bones by requiring the children to lift their weight or work against a force or resistance. Such activities include climbing and jumping activities that are combined with the use of playground or gym equipment. This includes such activities as skipping rope, gymnastics, hopscotch, martial arts, squash and many more.

General Body Wellness Activities

Working out in general is beneficial to both children and young adults. These activities help to keep all their body muscles in good working order. The muscles in the abdomen, back, chest, knees, shoulders, wrists, neck are not likely to get injured easily when they are strong. Stronger muscles also mean more energy, greater endurance, better posture and faster metabolism, which helps to regulate body weight. More exercise means a stronger immune system and the children are less likely to fall sick.


If children are not getting enough playtime at school, it is a good idea to install a home gym or indoor playground for them. A home gym is a great solution for children who spend too much time watching TV or playing video games. They are able to play while under supervision from you or a caregiver. You can join them as they play and make playtime more interesting.

At Fitness Kid, our core business is keeping your child fit, healthy and happy. We supply you with top-rated indoor gym equipment, accessories and mats that help to boost your child’s play time for healthy physical development. Email us at or call us at 833-FIT-KIDS for more information!