Why Should Kids Be Active During Early Childhood Development?

Why Should Kids Be Active During Early Childhood Development?

Today, parents are encouraging children to stay indoors and engage in seated activities such as playing video games and watching TV. Even though these activities might look fun and exciting, they are detrimental to their overall wellbeing. Children should be active during early childhood development. Physical activity needs to be engraved in them since they create a robust foundation of activity and movement, which will be carried with them for life.

If you are wondering whether telling your young ones to go outside and play or engage in sports in school at an early age is a good idea, below are some reasons why you should:

It Strengthens the Heart

One of the main reasons children should be active in early childhood development is that active play strengthens the heart. The heart is a muscle. Just like the other muscles in the body, it becomes stronger and more efficient through exercise. Strengthening the heart muscle is critical since it wards off cardiovascular diseases in the long run. 

It Improves Brain Function

Researchers believe that different physical activities in early childhood development can help improve behavior and mood in small children. They change the brain and divert its resources from the areas involved in worrying to those involved in focus and coordination. Additionally, being active during early childhood development can change brain chemistry and increase the levels of neurotransmitters involved in a person’s self-regulation. When this happens, and the mood is boosted, active children tend to function better in the classroom.

It Helps Fight Anxiety and Depression

Is your child exercising enough? If not, this explains why he has been struggling with anxiety or depression! Physical activity in early childhood development has a positive impact on reducing future depressive and anxiety symptoms. Additionally, increasing physical activity constantly is an effective strategy for treating childhood depression. Researchers attribute physical activity as one of the ingredients that create healthy children by releasing feel-good chemicals in the brain that ease stress, anxiety, and depression.

It Controls Weight

When children remain sedentary, they tend to take more calories than required. The unused calories pile up as fats, and this leads to weight gain. Overweight children are prone to a plethora of lifestyle diseases, including childhood diabetes, live diseases, heart ailments, and even cancer. They are also at risk of bullying and low self-esteem. Encouraging activity during early childhood development helps reduce calorie intake, ultimately maintaining a healthy weight. Invest in everything your child needs to engage in active play. You can even buy him a colorful fitness mat to encourage regular workouts. 

It Strengthens the Bones

When physically stressed, bones in children’s bodies tend to get stronger. Increased bone strength keeps the young ones at a lower risk of developing osteoporosis – a condition in which bones weaken and become fragile and porous.

It Improves Energy Levels

Children need energy to accomplish an array of things every day. Being physically active makes them feel more energetic and reduces the likelihood that they will get tired during the day regardless of the things they are engaged in.

Other Reasons Why Kids Should Be Active In Early Childhood Development Include:

  • Leads to improved cognitive skills, including attention, verbal comprehension, memory, and executive functioning.
  • Improves attitude and self-esteem
  • Increases muscle flexibility
  • Improves breathing and respiration
  • Being physically active at a young age is fun and exciting!